These plugins will help you maintain your WordPress website efficiently.
Simple Revisions Delete
Simple Revisions Delete adds a discreet link within a post submit box to let you purge (delete) its revisions via AJAX. Bulk actions also available.
Broken Link Checker
The plugin is designed to find and verify links that are posted anywhere on your website. Each link is checked to find if it works as intended or not. It allows you to find broken image links as well.
Broken Link Checker monitors and tests all internal links & external links on your site. It helps you in SEO optimization and user experience.
Media Cleaner – Clean & Optimize Space
Media Cleaner cleans your Media Library from the media entries (and files) which aren’t used in your website, as well as broken entries. An internal trash allows you to make sure everything works properly before deleting the media entries (and files) permanently. It uses a smart analysis powered by many implementations for specific plugins and themes.
Regenerate Thumbnails
Regenerate Thumbnails Advanced (RTA) plugin comes in handy when you install a new WordPress theme on your site that has different image sizes. While the newly uploaded images will be cropped and resized to fit your new theme, the old thumbnails will remain unchanged. Using RTA you can regenerate the thumbnails for all your existing images. It is also very useful when you have many not-used-anymore thumbnails and you want to remove them while making sure you have all the needed thumbnails generated.
Search & Replace
With Search & Replace you can search for everything and replace this with everything but before you do this you can easily create a simple database backup and restore it.
Enhanced Media Library
This plugin will be handy for those who need to manage a lot of media files.
Categorize By Anything!
- Unlimited categories & tags for media items
- Unlimited custom taxonomies: create in a few clicks
- Unlimited third-party taxonomies: assign to the media library
Configurable Filters
- Show / hide data, author, taxonomy filters
- Per taxonomy filters
- Configurable outcome of the filtering: include / exclude child categories
Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode
SeedProd was developed to create a Coming Soon Page or a Maintenance Mode Page. You could work on your website in private while visitors see a “Coming Soon” or “Maintenance Mode” page. Since then, SeedProd has evolved into a featured website builder.
WP Bouncer
WP Bouncer restricts the number of simultaneous logins for your WordPress users. It aims to deter people from sharing their login credentials for your site, which is especially important for a paid membership site.
Converts post types from one to another. This plugin is a complete reworking of my old plugin p2pConverter. pTypeConverter allows you to easily convert any post type of a certain post to another in an easy to use interface. A pTypeConverter role capability prevents unwanted users from converting pages (i.e. only Administrators and Editors have this ability to begin with), which can be adjusted by using a Role Manager plugin.
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