As of the posting of this code snippet, the Genesis Theme Framework will disable SEO functionality for Yoast SEO, and All In One SEO. But if you use an alternative SEO plugin like SmartCrawl by WPMUDEV the Genesis SEO will stay active leading to SEO conflicts with SmartCrawl and confusion for Contributors, Editors, and Admins.
The good news is you do not need to change themes, adding the following code snippet to your theme’s functions.php, a helper file, or a functionality plugin will resolve the issue.
This snippet is verified to be compatible with and work with:
- SmartCrawl Version 3.2.0
- Genesis Version 3.3.5
- WordPress version: 6.0.2
/** Disable Genesis SEO When SmartCrawl Enabled */
add_filter('genesis_detect_seo_plugins', 'sc_disable_genesis_seo');
function sc_disable_genesis_seo( $array ) {
$array['classes'][] = "Smartcrawl_Loader";
return $array;
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