The Publicity Hound’s
Tips of the Week
Issue #638 Aug. 14, 2012
Publisher: Joan Stewart
“Tips, Tricks and Tools for Free Publicity”
In This Issue
1. Free Photos for Bloggers
2. A Targeted Social Media System
3. Facebook Contest Do’s and Don’ts
4. Hound Joke of the Week
This Week in the Hound House:
Looking for good zucchini recipes, other than zucchini bread, so
I can use the three gargantuan zucchinis, the size of rockets, on
my kitchen counter.
1. Free Photos for Bloggers
Let’s say you’re blogging about the Olympics, or the presidential
election, or a breaking news event, and you need an accompanying
Don’t even THINK of grabbing one from Google Images which can get
you into big, expensive legal trouble.
Instead, hop over to, which helps bloggers find photos
and makes adding them to their posts fast and easy.
Just search for any topic using the search box. Preview the
photo, and click “get photo” to download it, as well as the
proper attribution link. PhotoPin uses the Flickr API and
searches Creative Commons photos to use for your blog.
Thanks to Sarah Arrow who wrote more about this service at “For
Bloggers by Bloggers.”
Caution: Follow the instructions for crediting the photographer.
2. A Targeted Social Media System
Last week, I showed you how to get the two free videos and the
free software from Don Crowther, my mastermind coach.
He says one of the biggest mistakes most people make with social
media is focusing on having conversations with their audience
rather than giving them business oriented content.
This week, Don is giving away another video in which he shows you
how to create a targeted social media system that will keep your
efforts focused on the tasks that will make you money, rather
than having conversations that go nowhere. He’s also giving away
a Systems Template, plus an already filled-out sample version for
you to literally copy and use as your own template. And he’ll
show you step-by-step how to use it. The template works, no
matter what kind of system you’re developing.
Here’s where to find Don’s social media tips. To access all of it, click
on the link below. If you missed last week’s freebies, scroll down and
look for the three video boxes on the right side.
3. Facebook Contest Do’s and Don’ts
Facebook contests are all the rage, but you still see big brands
doing it wrong.
They’re offering a prize in return for you liking their page or
commenting. That’s against Facebook policy, and it can get your
account close down, pronto. You must administer all contests,
promotions and sweepstakes on Facebook using a third-party
Genevieve Lachance has written a very helpful guide to what you
must know about Facebook contest rules. The blog post also
includes a list of 10 apps she has found for your next Facebook
promotion or contest.
4. Hound Joke of the Week
“I know that dogs are pack animals, but it is difficult to
imagine a pack of standard poodles…and if there was such a
thing as a pack of standard poodles, where would they rove to?
Bloomingdale’s? –Yvonne Clifford, American actress
Dog Jokes & Quotes Ebook: 170+ G-rated dog jokes and quotes,
perfect for a dog-lover, your favorite vet, or just for a few
good laughs.
Thanks for including my article 🙂
I’m always grateful to find social media experts like you, Sarah, so I can share with my Publicity Hounds.