The Publicity Hound’s
Tips of the Week
Issue #630 July 17, 2012
Publisher: Joan Stewart
“Tips, Tricks and Tools for Free Publicity”
In This Issue
1. Amazon’s Secret Publicity Sauce
2. Publicity Tips on Pinterest
3. For Artists & Crafters
4. Hound Joke of the Week
This Week in the Hound House:
My backyard trees look so sad. My daisies are wilting. My holly
hocks look horrible. But that’s nothing compared to what the
farmers are seeing. Let’s all pray for rain.
1. Amazon’s Secret Publicity Sauce
If you’re selling books on Amazon, don’t just write the standard
public profile that most people create when they want to write a
Social media consultant Phyllis Zimbler Miller calls Amazon’s
Author Central profile the “secret publicity sauce” for authors
because it’s often overlooked, especially by those who self-
Your Author Central profile can include your headshot, bio, blog
feeds, your Twitter stream, and even video. All your books and
ebooks can be displayed in one place–a nice, neat package that
can really impress visitors, but only if you take advantage of
all it has to offer.
Phyllis explained everything you need to know in a very helpful
guest blog post at
Want to write a guest post for me? Read the guidelines first at, and then pitch me.
2. Publicity Tips on Pinterest
Starting today, I’m driving traffic to my blog by pinning images
that include publicity tips on a Pinterest board called “50 Tips
for Free Publicity” at
I’ll feature a few each week, and within about a month, you’ll
see them all.
Why not share them with your followers, blog readers and others?
–Link to my board and see the first two tips. Click on each tip,
then click again to see how I’m pulling readers back to my blog.
–Tweet the link and share it on Facebook.
–Be sure to repin each tip so those who are following you on
Pinterest can see them.
–If you have the time, I’d love it if you’d comment.
I learned this nifty strategy from social media expert Don
Crowther, who leads my mastermind group, and who has taught me
more about social media than anyone else. Enjoy the tips.
3. For Artists & Crafters
Remember those beautiful glass flower plates I showed you last
week–the ones I made for my garden?
What if I stopped being The Publicity Hound and started cranking
out those things for a living? “How would I publicize my new
business?” I asked myself.
The same way I teach stained glass makers, woodworkers, crafters
and artists to promote their businesses.
I started ticking off ideas, then wrote a blog post about 7
publicity ideas for your arts and crafts business. It’s at
4. Hound Joke of the Week
A client brought a litter of Golden Retriever puppies to the
local veterinary clinic for inoculations and worming. As the
look-alike pups squirmed over and under one another in their box,
the vet realized it would be difficult to tell the treated ones
from the rest. So he turned on the water faucet, wet his fingers,
and moistened each dog’s head when he had finished treating them.
After the fourth puppy, the vet noticed the hitherto talkative
client had grown silent. As he sprinkled the last pup’s head, the
woman leaned forward and whispered, “I didn’t know they had to be
Dog Jokes & Quotes Ebook: 170+ G-rated dog jokes and quotes,
perfect for a dog-lover, your favorite vet, or just for a few
good laughs:
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