Here’s a gift that’s perfect for small business owners, a nonprofit that needs publicity, authors who want to sell more books, or anyone who wants to self-promote on a shoestring budget and without an expensive publicist.
It’s “The Best of The Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week of 2017,” an ebook that includes 24 tips from my popular email newsletter. I’ve been offering this ebook as a holiday gift since 2005. My subscribers love it because most of the tips, tricks and tools are for those on a tight promotions budtget. And the ebook is a helpful reminder of promotion they might have put off earlier this year.
Get the ebook here.
When sharing it, use this link which will lead people right over to this blog post: https://www.publicityhound.com/blog/best-of-2017 (you can’t download the book from this link, which leads right back to this blog post). Click the link above that’s highlighted in yellow.) You’ll also find a handy list of tweets at the end of this post.
Here’s what you’ll find in my free ebook:
- Where to find the Top 100 online local directories where you should be listed
- 3 tips for promoting yourself even if you’re shy
- A super-powerful, free app for service businesses to encourage positive consumer reviews
- 10 ways your website hurts your publicity efforts and leaves visitors in the dust
- How to partner with a local business and generate leads for your service-based business
Traditional Media (Newspapers, Magazines, TV, Radio)
- How to save thousands of dollars by using the Number 1 free media directory
- Why in-person radio interviews matter, regardless of what you’re selling
- The most important question to ask if you want to avoid a disastrous TV interview
Book Publishing, Marketing and Publicity
- The easiest place to start your publicity if you’re promoting a book
- 2 ways to convince Costco to sell your book
- How to discuss your book when doing a radio interview
- Why writing a sassy author resource box is easier than you think after seeing these seven examples
Get the free ebook here.
Problems accessing the book? Email my assistant, Christine Buffaloe, at Chris@SerenityVA.com
Content Creation
- A super-simple way to beef up your 15-second elevator pitch and make people say, “Tell me more.”
- Where to find a free list of 51 email subject lines that scream “open me now!”
- The one piece of interactive content that has a good chance of going viral if you do it right
- Tips on how to revive your blog, even if it’s on life support
Social Media
- 2 ways to encourage people to share your content on Twitter–2017
- What to do with all those fabulous online reviews you’ve gotten on Amazon, LinkedIn, Yelp, Facebook, etc.
Event PR
- Tips for celebrating a super-fun “holiday” that top-tier media LOVE to cover
Pitching an Idea
- 2 mindsets you must adopt when answering queries and seeing success from HARO.com
- Where to find a list of HARO best practices and how to answer a HARO query
Get the free book here.
Problems accessing the book? Email my assistant, Christine Buffaloe, at Chris@SerenityVA.com
Media Relations
- Journalists’ Number One gripe, and how to find out what they really want from you
- How to prepare for the worst questions journalists might ask you during media interviews
- A fast, free tool that will help you find the email address of a journalist or anyone else
Get the free ebook here.
Problems accessing the book? Email my assistant, Christine Buffaloe, at Chris@SerenityVA.com
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