The Nigerian Prince’s Lawyer Cousin “Merick B. Garland, Attorney General of the United States” is ready to help you get your money.
Details of this “Merick Garland” Identity Theft Phishing Scam:
- Email Subject: I am Attorney Merrick B. Garland
- Email Sender: Agustine David looksmoore@gmail.com
- Sent To: undisclosed-recipients:
- Received From: from mail-qt1-x830.google.com (mail-qt1-x830.google.com [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4864:20::830])
Dear Beneficiary,
I am Attorney Merrick B. Garland, from the office of Attorney General of the United States of America, I am mandated to help you in the release and processing of your payment. Be officially informed that your abandoned fund was brought to my office on 28/04/2022 for confiscation due to your inability to claim your fund as the rightful beneficiary of this unclaimed fund.
As the Attorney General of the United States, I received many letters and emails from different quarters (people) claiming to be your mandate, that you sent them to receive this fund on your behalf, please confirm if you sent those people to receive your fund on your behalf or not. Again, you have until 11/10/2022 to reclaim this fund If you still want to claim your fund with no hesitation.
Reply back on this email {merrickbgarland42@gmail.com} and tell us the way you wish to receive your fund.
Your urgent feedback is needed With Your full information such as
- Name in full:
- Address:
- Nationality:
- Age:
- Phone/Fax:
- Present Country:
- Email address:
Best Regards,
Attorney. Merrick B. Garland
United States Attorney General.
Privat Email: merrickbgarland42@gmail.com
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