Beware scams to transfer your domain to another registrar.
A great example of this not so ethical practice is Domain Registry of America.
Domain Registry of America will send you a written notice of gloom and doom about your impending domain name renewal.
The catch is Domain Registry of America probably isn’t your registrar
- Almost no “Registrar” will send a written notice of renewal
- In the Domain Name industry it’s almost entirely done via email
If you respond to a renewal notice from Domain Registrars of America (or any other organization that snail mails a “renewal”), they will use your signature and payment as proof of authorization to transfer your domain to their control and the next time it comes up for renewal they will charge about 75- 150% more than the going registration rate with any other Domain Registration company.
So remember that just because they spent the extra money to mail you a warning, doesn’t mean they aren’t spammers!
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