The Publicity Hound’s
Tips of the Week
Issue #650 Sept. 22, 2012
Publisher: Joan Stewart
“Tips, Tricks and Tools for Free Publicity”
In This Issue
1. Your New Product in Magazines
2. Add Fun to Your Boring Bio
3. New Posts at My Blog
4. Hound Joke of the Week
This Weekend in the Hound House:
On Tuesday, I was in shorts and sandals and eating a Fudgesicle.
Today, I’m wearing a turtleneck and wool socks and sipping my
Stash licorice tea. Such is autumn in Wisconsin.
1. Your New Product in Magazines
You’re launching a product and you’re hoping for a big story in a
national magazine.
You find the editor’s name and email address in one of those
expensive media directories, write a pitch and email it to her.
Not so fast!
You’re probably pitching the wrong person. If it’s a big
magazine, pitch one of the section editors. They decide what goes
into their sections, and they might even write it themselves.
Products like the Kindle and the iPhone get the really big
stories. But your product probably won’t.
Here are some other things you might consider:
–Send the product to the appropriate section editor and ask for
a review.
–Suggest a staff member test your product against several other
similar products made by your competitors. Mention the brand
–Submit a press release and photo to the New Products editor.
These days, getting into magazines is increasingly difficult
because they’re saddled with lower advertising revenues, and too
few staff members reading too many pitches.
But here’s the good news. These journalists are leaving clues,
online and off, about exactly what they need. And if you know
where to look, you’ll have a leg up on all the other people who
are pitching.
Join me at 4 p.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, Oct. 4, for the
webinar “How to Find Your Way into Glossy Magazines.” If the time
is inconvenient, sign up anyway because I’m recording it and
you’ll get the replay link and all the bonuses.
2. Add Fun to Your Boring Bio
If somebody’s bio makes me smile, I’m more inclined to click
through to their website to see what other fun things they have
in store for me.
Here’s the short version of the bio for Ilana Rosengarten, a
creative director.
“When I was 13, my dad took me to Times Square to pluck playbills
from the trash to use as table centerpieces at my Bat Mitzvah.
The theme was Broadway–obviously. And my father was not one to
reach too deeply into his pockets. Anyway, I credit him for
making me creatively strategic. Although my mom told me he took a
shower curtain from a hotel once. That’s not really creative–
that’s just stealing. I love him anyway.”
Is your bio this good? If not, check out “Special Report 46: How
to Rewrite Your Boring Bio.” It includes lots of examples of some
of my favorite bios, plus 12 questions that, when answered, will
result in fabulous fodder for your new bio.
It’s one of my 52 special reports, all updated this year.
3. New Posts at My Blog
21 spin-off products that tie into your book
Speakers: Help meeting planners publicize your gigs
Dog Tweets: 8 must-have items in your online press room
4. Hound Joke the Week
Why did the thoughtful father buy his six children a Dachshund?
So they could all pet the dog at the same time.
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