Issue #983 Jan. 5, 2016
Publisher: Joan Stewart
“Tips, Tricks and Tools for Free Publicity”
In This Issue
- Mention Publicity in Bios
- Newsjack Tax Hikes Act of 2015
- Check My Archives
- Hound Video of the Week
This Week in the Hound House:
I’ve finally discovered an odorless cream that soothes mild arthritis and aching joints. It’s Australian Dream, a whopping $17 for a 4-ounce jar at Walmart, but it works! And it comes with an “empty jar guarantee.” A little goes a long way. It’s gotten fabulous reviews on Amazon.
1. Mention Publicity in Bios
You seldom see author bios that mention major media coverage.
But you’ll find an impressive one at the website of Kary Bartmasser, a CPA and Registered Investment Advisor, based in Beverly Hills. His “About Us” includes this:
“As a sought-after financial expert, Mr. Bartmasser is often interviewed by leading media. His quotes have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, The Daily News as well as being featured on drive-time radio with superstar personality Ryan Seacrest.”
His “In the News” says this:
“Kary J. Bartmasser, CPA is the financial expert to use for print, radio and television interviews. Often dubbed the “Dr. Phil of the accounting world,” Bartmasser delivers solid information in layman’s terms. For radio and television, he imparts important financial information in an engaging style that keeps the audience engrossed. Kary J. Bartmasser has been interviewed by the Los Angeles Times and the Los Angeles Daily News and has been featured in business travel columns in numerous in-flight magazines.”
To-do: Update your bios with mentions of media coverage.
2. Newsjack Tax Hikes Act of 2015
With tax time right around the corner, this a perfect time for CPAs, accountants, financial advisors, authors, speaker and experts to comment on the “Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015.”
Congress passed it on Dec. 18 with little fanfare because of the holidays. It extends several tax provisions and makes many more permanent. They deal with sales taxes, qualified tuition, teachers’ classroom expenses, mortgage insurance, energy-efficient commercial buildings, and many more.
Here are three resources with details:
- President signs extender bill
- Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act (“PATH” — Business Strategies)
- Tax Briefing: Protecting Americans From Tax Hikes of 2015 (Slidedeck)
To-do: Look through the list and see if you can find a tax that appeals to your target market.
I’ll be speaking on Friday at the Tax Resolution Marketing & Technology Extravaganza in Orlando. If you’re going, stop and say hi and let’s shake paws.
3. Check My Archives
Remember reading a tip from a past issue here but don’t know where to find it?
Look in “The Publicity Hound’s Tips of the Week” archives. It’s formatted to make it easy to find what you need quickly.
Each week, I’ll include the link above my photo at the bottom of the HTML version of these tips.
4. Hound Video of the Week
This English Bulldog puppy rides the Roomba.
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