The Publicity Hound’s
Tips of the Week
Issue #607 April 24, 2012
Publisher: Joan Stewart
“Tips, Tricks and Tools for Free Publicity”
In This Issue
1. Pitch Events on Facebook Pages
2. Help Wikipedia Improve
3. How to Respond to a Media Lead
4. Hound Photos
1. Pitch Events on Facebook Pages
Here’s a very quick, very easy way to generate TV publicity for a
special event in your town.
When I was in Los Angeles last week, I was watching “Good
Morning, America” in the hotel while preparing for a business
meeting. Between segments, ABC cut to the local news and weather
on ABC7. During his forecast, weather guy Garth Kemp reminded
viewers about the California Poppy Festival in Lancaster that
Saturday and Sunday. He mentioned that the weather would be
How did he know about the festival? He said that somebody told
him about it on his Facebook page. I’ll bet that took all of
about 60 seconds. Many TV meteorologists, reporters, anchors,
sports reporters and others have Facebook pages, a perfect place
to pitch story ideas.
Steal this idea the next time your group is sponsoring an outdoor
event, or even an indoor event during the winter where people can
stay warm and cozy.
The weather happens 365 days a year and it’s one of the most
overlooked ways to generate publicity.
2. Help Wikipedia Improve
Thanks to Publicity Hound Holly Grande who read last week’s item
on the many inaccuracies in Wikipedia entries and tipped us off
to CREWE, the Facebook group of 300 people who have gathered to
discuss Wikipedia, its editing policy and what can be done to
ensure that entries are accurate, relevant and up to date.
CREWE stands for Corporate Representatives for Ethical Wikipedia
Engagement and you can find the Facebook group at
It’s comprised of Wikipedians, PR people, academics, students and
3. How to Respond to a Media Lead
The free and paid services that feed you leads from journalists
who are looking for sources should be a staple of your publicity
But you must know exactly how to respond to a media lead. If a
health reporter for USA Today is looking for sources who suffer
from depression, and you want that reporter to write about your
company’s latest study on which foods cause depression, do not
pitch that story or the report could blackball you forever.
You can respond only if you’re a perfect fit for the story
mentioned in the lead. Dan Janal’s new book “Reporters Are
Looking for You” guides you step-by-step through the entire
process of how to respond to a media lead and form strong
relationships with reporters.
Dan has graciously agreed to offer the book free to anyone in my
course called “On Target Publicity: How to Find, Capture &
Convert Your Target Market.” I’ll present the second webinar in
the series this Thursday, April 26, and we’ll explain how to find
your target market on the social media sites, and how to make it
easy for them to find you.
I have only two more openings in the course, and if you register
today, you can access the video replay of last week’s session on
how to set goals and identify your target market. Learn all the
details here:
4. Hound Photos
Thanks to the many Publicity Hounds who sent me these underwater
photos of dogs fetching.
Dog Jokes & Quotes Ebook: 170+ G-rated dog jokes and quotes,
perfect for a dog-lover, your favorite vet, or just for a few
good laughs:
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