Issue #851 Sept. 15, 2014
Publisher: Joan Stewart
“Tips, Tricks and Tools for Free Publicity”
In This Issue
- Newsjack Ray Rice Story
- Cruise Discount Deadline
- 22 Income Streams for Experts
- Hound Video of the Week
This Weekend in the Hound House:
At my Garden Club meeting this week, I asked what to with a Trumpet Honeysuckle I planted last year but still won’t bloom. “Beat it with a broom,” someone said. A few other gardeners agreed. Seems that if you hit the plant with a broom handle, it wants to defend itself so it releases extra energy that makes it bloom. I looked around online and found the same advice with one other suggestion. Beat it at night so the neighbors won’t see. Have Broom, Will Bloom.
1. Newsjack Ray Rice Story
#RayRice is among the trending topics on Twitter this week, and it’s a perfect story for newsjacking if you can tie into it. Some ideas:
–Therapists and counselors, do you have guidelines for women on when to go and when to stay?
–Bloggers, what resources in your community serve battered women?
–Workplace experts, should companies or certain industries have policies that address domestic violence?
–Labor lawyers, what kinds of provisions give employers the right to fire employees who have contracts?
–Child welfare experts, the discussion over domestic violence seldom includes kids. How are the children affected?
–Security experts, offer story ideas about surveillance video. Who has access to videos in places like hotels? What are some unlikely places where the camera is recording our every move?
Before you pitch, know the five critical things your pitch should include. As a newspaper editor, I’ve accepted and rejected thousands of story ideas. I have my own “5-Part Formula for Delivering the Perfect Media Pitch and Hitting It Out of the Park.” The video replay of that webinar comes with handouts that include 27 angles for stories. You’ll also see an example of a pitch I customized for three different media outlets. Read more about it.
2. Cruise Discount Deadline
Join me for the “Publishing at Sea” cruise I’m co-hosting Jan. 18-25 in the Eastern Caribbean, and save $300 if you book reservations by Monday, Sept. 15.
That’s the deadline for the early-bird discount.
You’ll have access to me and four other book publishing experts who can help you with all phases of your next book. We’ll even help you jumpstart sales for a book that’s been languishing on the shelves for months.
Read more about the cruise and why you don’t want to miss the boat.
3. 22 Income Streams for Experts
What happens in “the nation’s economy” isn’t nearly as important as what happens in your economy.
If you’re like most people reading this, you’re not even scratching the surface of your financial potential as an author, speaker, expert or entrepreneur.
In fact, there are probably several easy ways to dramatically increase your income and help a lot more people in the process.
To find out how, you’re invited to a free telephone seminar at 2 or 7 Eastern Time on Tuesday, Sept. 16, with Steve Harrison, on how to thrive as an author/expert in any economy.
Here’s some of what you will learn:
–7 surprisingly easy strategies for quickly making a quantum leap in your income as an author/expert.
–22 super-lucrative income streams most authors overlook, but they’re surprisingly easy to implement.
–The 12 biggest mistakes which 99 percent of all authors make which prevent them from maximizing the profits from their books.
4. Hound Video of the Week
Thanks to Publicity Hound Christel Hall of Minden, NV, for this video of a dog that just couldn’t make it as a service dog and became a SURFice dog.
I purchased the Media Kit today and I’m excited to learn as much as I can to publish and market my book in progress. There’s so much to learn here.
Bernard, yes there’s a lot to learn. But the Media Kit templates will shorten your learning curve significantly and save you days of time. Email me with questions you have after you start using it.