Issue #1272 Nov. 3, 2018
Publisher: Joan Stewart
“Tips, Tricks and Tools for Free Publicity”
In This Issue
- Easy Year-end Article to Create
- Tip for Repurposing Content
- New Money Website Needs Tips
- Hound Video of the Week
This Weekend in the Hound House:
My kitchen smells clean again after last weekend’s disaster when the syrup for my canned pears boiled over and left a mess and odor. I washed the kitchen ceiling, walls, cupboards, floor and the mini-blinds. Today, I’ll remove the six bowls of baking soda I placed throughout the house. I also used Q-tips to dab lemon essential oil on the light bulbs in the kitchen, and left a simmering pot of lemons on the stove–on the lowest heat possible.
1. Easy Year-end Article to Create
If you can’t think of an idea for a blog post, here’s an easy one you can use next month.
Review the last 12 months of your blog and write one titled “10 Blog Posts from 2018 That You Can’t Afford to Ignore” like I did two years ago.
This isn’t my idea. I stole it from Agility PR Solutions when I saw their round-up of “Our top 10 PR articles for 2016.”
Notice that I didn’t just link to my posts. After giving a short summary of each, I followed with a paragraph on “Why it’s important.” These summaries will flag your followers to important information they might have missed.
Google gives you extra points when you cross-link within your blog. After you publish your year-end post, go back to each of the 10 posts on your list and include an item at the end that says: “This is one of the 10 posts from 2018 that you can’t afford to ignore.” Link to the summary. You can also give readers directions on how to subscribe to your posts.
If you don’t blog frequently but you write for other websites or blogs, you can incorporate those articles into your round-up. You can create a second summary for your best videos. And another for your best podcasts.
To do: Review all your content from this year, and start building your list. This is a terrific post to publish over the holidays when you’re taking a break but you want to keep your blog fresh.
#Blogging #BlogTips
2. Another Way to Repurpose Content
You know I love easy. And I know you do too.
When Judith Briles asked to interview me a few weeks ago for her podcast on book publishing, for about the tenth time in the last several years, I was swamped and short on ideas.
Most of her thousands of podcast listeners don’t subscribe to these twice-a-week email tips like you do. Rather than create content for her show from scratch, I called up the last dozen or so issues from The Publicity Hound Tips of the Week archives and chose 10 book marketing tools I hadn’t discussed on her previous shows.
What a time saver!
It turned out to be a fun segment because Judith piggybacked onto my ideas and shared some of her own tips.
The next time someone asks you to be a guest on a podcast, or write a guest blog post, or create content for their audience, see what you can repurpose in your archives. That includes content you’ve created for your Facebook page.
To do: Download the recording, “The Publicity Hound’s Top 10 free tools for finding your ideal readers and marketing your books.” You can find Judith’s other shows on iTunes.
#BookPublicity #BookMarketing
3. New Money Website Needs Tips
Here’s a tip for Publicity Hounds who are experts in the new economy and the future of money.
Chris Abraham, managing editor of Newconomy, needs content related to tech, business, blockchain, and the financial industries. He’ll take your tips, suggestions, interviews and even your latest news or projects.
“We’re also looking for paid writers,” he says.
To do: Email Chris at You can follow him on Twitter at @ChrisAbraham and @TheNewEconomy.
4. Hound Video of the Week
I looked for a dog video related to Tuesday’s midterms in the U.S. and came up empty. But I did find this one of Dogs at Polling Booths in the U.K.
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I like today’s tips … easy-peasy!
Judith, I know you’re the Queen of Repurposing, so these tips are perfect for you.