The Publicity Hound’s
Tips of the Week
Issue #611 May 8, 2012
Publisher: Joan Stewart
“Tips, Tricks and Tools for Free Publicity”
In This Issue
1. Celebrate Employees’ Milestones
2. Manage Your SM Profiles
3. Use Pinterest to Teach
4. Hound Video
1. Celebrate Employees’ Milestones
What do you do when two of your employees have lost more than 200
pounds combined?
You celebrate with a giant party that doubles as a wellness
clinic. Invite the entire community, tie it to a fund-raiser for
the local food pantry, and set a goal of collecting 200 pounds of
That’s what my local library is doing in Port Washington, Wis.,
this Saturday when it honors two librarians who each have lost
more than 100 pounds. What a brilliant idea!
Read about it at my blog at
where I’ve also given you five other ideas for sponsoring clever
special events.
2. Manage Your SM Profiles
When I was answering a question at recently, I noticed
that I never created a profile. Yikes!
That means that if someone liked my answer and wanted to know
more about me, they wouldn’t know that I’m a publicity expert, or
where to find me.
Yesterday, I saw a fabulous tip from Peg Fitzpatrick, aka
@PegFitzpatrick on Twitter. She suggests keeping all the links to
your social media profiles in one place. Makes sense. If you’ve
written a new book, started a coaching program or changed jobs,
you can find all your profiles in one easy place and edit them
The best place I can think of to keep all these links is in your
Google profile, which lets you create a long list of links to
other websites and social media profiles. If you don’t have one
yet, create it at
3. Use Pinterest to Teach
If you’re on Pinterest, don’t just create boards that feature
pretty pictures.
Create boards that teach your target audience how to do
something. I created a board at
publicity/ on the “Best Ways to Get Free Publicity.” Almost all
14 photos link back to an old blog post–a clever way to push new
traffic to older content.
What old blog posts, articles or videos do you have that you can
use to create a teaching board?
If you’re not using Pinterest yet, you’re missing a valuable
source of traffic. I show you how to get started, step-by-step,
in the webinar replay of “How to Use Pinterest to Generate
Clicks, Traffic, Links, Leads and Sales” at
4. Hound Video
Watch the Chihuahua play pool:
Dog Jokes & Quotes Ebook: 170+ G-rated dog jokes and quotes,
perfect for a dog-lover, your favorite vet, or just for a few
good laughs:
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