The next time you write an article, spend at least as much time figuring out how you will use it to market your products and services as you do wordsmithing.
There’s an interesting conversation at Chris Knight’s blog about how some article writers mistakenly think the writing is more important.
Chris says:
“Take a fresh look at your article writing & marketing strategies through the eyes of the analytical metrics driven marketer and see your article writing inventory building as part of a campaign or a series of campaigns designed to achieve very measurable objectives (in terms of lead generation and traffic attraction) rather than a haphazard approach that we see very often.”
Indeed. As of this writing, more than 40 people have chimed in with their own advice to Chris’ question:
“If you had to give one piece of brief advice to non-marketer oriented expert writers to help them see the world through your marketing eyes when applied to article writing, what would you recommend or what tip do you think is the most important to understand?”
If your articles aren’t bringing money through the door, the comments are worth a look. Then start writing articles with a marketing mindset. That includes an enticing headline. See “Headlines for How-to Articles.”
Your list of titles for ‘how to’ articles is just what I needed this morning. I have been writing this kind of regional monthly column for 16 years and have been advised at many writer’s conferences to try to ‘stretch’ behond my back yard and aim at national glossies. I am scard to death of success I guess. but now your list and my head is off and running with my heart. My voice is country, my background is budget and creatiavity in all areas of my life, cooking, decorating, fashion, parties, weddings, etc. and even now and then a thought or two about this new generation…I have participated in the rearing of three, as have all folks my age (88) going on 40. Thank you for a new start.