EzineArticles.com announces that it has added three new categories to help cover the exploding Social Media trend:
Internet & Online Businesses: Social-Networking
Social Networking is fueled by sites such as MySpace, LinkedIN, Ryze and savvy web 2.0 netpreneurs that are helping their own web audience discover new ways to network with each other online.
Internet & Online Businesses: Social-Bookmarking
Social Bookmarking or human filtered search as some call it, is about bringing together large groups of people online to share bookmarks or links of interest for like minded people to find. An example might be Del.icio.us, Last.fm, Furl.net, Technorati or Stumbleupon.
Internet & Online Businesses: Social-Media
Social Media or SMO (Social Media Optimization) as it’s known in some circles is really about the strategies to setup social media components into your website, communication or online marketing campaign strategy toolbox. Think Blogs, Tags, Comment systems and all of the underlying technology that supports SMO.
If you’re an expert in any of these areas, start writing. Then submit your articles to this giant articles directory.
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