Are you letting visitors come to your website, look around, then leave without asking them for their email addresses?
If so, shame on you. That’s no different than a stopkeeper letting customers
walk into the store without asking, “Is there something I help you find?”
Some of those visitors, by the way, might be journalists doing research for an article. They might like what they see, like your free articles. And they might be looking for a way to hear from you on a regular basis. If you aren’t capturing email addresses, all those visitors might leave for good—and you’ll never hear from them again.
When I was in Perry Marshall’s coaching circle last year, he opened my eyes to
the dozens of ways you can capture email addresses. For example, he offers a free 5-day email course on how to write short White Papers that you can then offer to your customers (for free, of course) or send to the media along with a press release. He gave me permission to include them in “Special Report #51: 55 Free Things You Can Offer to Generate Publicity or Capture Email Addresses.”
They include things like an article, ebook, tutorial, return-on-investment calculator, case study, checklist, industry survey, pocket guide and webinar. You can even let people test drive a service you’re offering so they can decide if they want to buy it or subscribe to it.
The report also includes examples on how several Publicity Hounds offer particular freebies to promote their product, service, cause or issue.
What freebie can you create quickly, today, so you can pull in traffic to your website, or encourage journalists to write aobut you? Offering something for free is one of the 89 reasons to write a press release, included in my free email tutorial “89 Ways to Write Powerful Press Releases.”
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