Talk about a great publicity opportunity for authors and publishers!
The new Colorado Authors Hall of Fame honors the legacy of authors with any connection to Colorado. Nominations are open until Wednesday, May 15, for authors:
- Who were born in Colorado
- Lived in Colorado
- Came or come to Colorado as a muse and backdrop to create work
- Write about Colorado
- Use Colorado locations as props within their work.
Judges will be looking for authors in any genre who have made a difference to millions of readers with revelations, insights, solutions and amazing storytelling. The Hall of Fame wants to ensure that their insights and visionary achievements won’t be forgotten. It’s being created by Judith Briles, The Book Shepherd, and Author U, the non-profit membership community of authors, writers and publishers that’s registered as a 501 (c)6 with the IRS.
The first class of authors will be inducted this summer.
The mission of the Hall is to: honor and promote the works of outstanding published authors from all genres and generations to ensure their legacies will not be lost.
The Colorado Authors’ Hall of Fame is dedicated to recognizing and preserving the history about the accomplishments of past and present authors who have created and published books. Historical and contemporary authors who have shared their words of wisdom, encouragement, and entertainment will be considered.
Nominate an author and learn more about how to participate by visiting the Colorado Authors Hall of Fame website.
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