Press Release Tip 36
Include a calendar listing within a release
Today you’re starting Module 6 on how to keep your information organized.
If you’re sending a press release to a newspaper, magazine or a website where you also want a calendar listing, the press release below shows one way to do it.
It was written by Andrea Feldman, a professional organizer in Berkshire County, Mass. Notice how she separated information about the time and date and other details so busy journalists wouldn’t have to hunt for it.
“As a result of the press release, our local newspaper sent a reporter to my lecture, interviewed me and ran a feature article on the front page of the local news section,” she said. “They used a photo of me that I emailed to them after the event, and 25 people attended the lecture, just from seeing my press release. There was standing room only.”
After the article was printed, 80 people came to the next lecture and 125 people came to the third. “I had so many RSVPs that I had to call the library where it was to be held and ask for the auditorium. I promoted a four-week course at these three lectures and got 12 people to sign up on the spot. I also got 4 private clients.”
Here’s the release:
Please place in the Calendar of Events
Local Organizer to Present Free Clutter Lecture
for National “Get Organized Month”
January 7, 2006–Berkshire County–Professional Organizer Andrea Feldman will present free lectures titled ‘‘Conquer Clutter–Get Organized Now!’’ in honor of National Get Organized Month.
“If your home or office is cluttered, if you’re beginning to forget things or slip up, if you’re stressed or overwhelmed by what must get done in a day, it pays to take the time to get organized,” Andrea said. “I’ll show you how to push through your procrastination and break it all down into manageable bits.”
The lecture will be given on:
Wednesday, Jan. 18, 3 p.m., Lenox Library
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 4 p.m., Lee Library
Monday, Jan. 30, 5:30 p.m., Berkshire Athenaeum, Pittsfield
There is no charge. RSVPs are suggested because space is limited.
Call Andrea at 413-655-7766 or
January is the time when many people put getting organized high on their list of New Year’s resolutions. The National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) has dubbed January “Get Organized Month” to raise awareness of the benefits of getting organized and working with a professional organizer. Getting organized may help you find what you need when you need it, save time and money and bring calm and order to your work and home life.
Andrea Feldman helps individuals and businesses conquer clutter and create more clarity by getting and staying organized. She is a professional organizer, time management consultant, motivational speaker and trainer. Andrea is a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers and holds a Specialist Certificate in working with the chronically disorganized. As a public speaker, she addresses community and business groups on topics including controlling clutter, time management and how to balance work and personal life.
She can be reached at 413-655-7766 or on the web at
Opportunity #36 to write a press release: Industry commendations
If your industry or trade association has given you a commendation, or if you’ve attained certification in your industry, write a press release. Don’t forget to send it to your college’s alumni magazine. Send a good-quality headshot, too, so your photo appears along with the short item. You want to hear “I saw your picture in the magazine!”
What? You don’t have a business photo? If you’re on a tight budget and can’t afford a top-of-the-line professional photographer, that’s OK. You can still get a good-quality portrait suitable for the media. Learn how to use photos in my ebook “How to be a Kick-butt Publicity Hound (Sixth Edition).
Next: Use bulleted lists.
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