Press Release Tip 2
Don’t write press releases only when you have “legitimate news.”
In the old days, we never wrote press releases unless we had something important to say because newspapers and magazines had limited space.
But today, now that press releases are online and written for consumers, smart Publicity Hounds can pretty much write about whatever we want. We can use press releases to tell a story about someone who works for us, or offer advice on how to use a product, or take a stand on an issue, even if it isn’t in the news.
If newspapers and magazines don’t have room in their printed publications for our releases, that’s OK. People everywhere can still find them online. So pay attention to the 89 opportunities I’m giving you, at the end of each lesson, to write press releases.
Opportunity #2 to write a press release: An annual report
You don’t have to be a publicly-held company to publish an annual report. Small-business people and non-profits can publish them. The gist of the report should be summarized in the press release. Then, within the release, you can provide a link to the full report at your website.
An annual report can summarize things such as new products and services you’ve created, the major high points in your business, the number of new clients you’ve taken on during a particular year, how much your sales have grown, or anything else you want people to know about. The report can include links to other things at your website that you want visitors to see.
Next: Another rule you must break
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