In trying to restore our system software, we ran into a problem. Many of our data disks were encoded with Direct CD and Direct CD isn’t compatible with Windows 2K or XP without updates.
So the easy answer was to register with Roxio, then download the updates; Right? Wrong!
They appear to have rigged their system so that all download requests for out of date software will fail, unless you download their newest version of the software first. Finding a trial version, is difficult to do (no links to trial versions on the main site – or you might not buy the new version?), try searching on the latest product name plus promo tiral.
Once the newest software is downloaded (400 + MB) and installed, your downloads for the software updates will sudenly work! We tried this under 3 complete re-installs of the XP SP2 OS – with all updates and IE 7, and FireFox. Each time our downloads failed prior to installing and registering the trial software.
Now, since they appear to force you to register to get updates, don’t provide updates for applications still available for purchase in retail (that hose your OS), Provide no technical support for the specific issue associated with their software wasting your XP SP2 OS, We think that they deserve a class Action Suit far more than Microsoft ever did.
Our reasoning is simple, Microsoft at least takes responsibility for their screwups (even if they charge you for the fix). Since they have been sued, why shouldn’t Roxio be?
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