We have used direct cd for years to create CD’s of our clients files. Unfortunately Roxio hasn’t continued this function forward in the newest versions of their software.
So we picked up a version of Roxio CD & DVD Creator, then went ahead and installed it on a system running Windows XP Service Pack 2 with all of the updates installed.
After installation and reboot, the system had duplicate copies of the boot drive with different drive letters. Since their were only two hard disks in the system this was impossible.
At this point we attempted to use Norton System Works’ Disk Doctor to correct the problem. Norton was able to detect the problem, but couldn’t correct it as Windows had locked the system.
After another reboot, the system stopped responding, and even lost the file allocation table of the disk!
The long and the short of it are this:
Roxio should not be making software and putting on the box that it works with an OS that it doesn’t.
Also, since they are aware of the problem, they certainly should still be supporting it.
Your best bet is not to use Roxio Products, when a company can’t stand behind their software, they shouldn’t have their hand out for your money.
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