When the word focus comes to mind, it’s typically associated with a particular task or action; however focus can be viewed in a broader sense that applies to everything one does. So what exactly is focus?
- the concentration of attention or energy on something
- maximum clarity or distinctness of an image rendered by an optical system
- cause to converge on or toward a central point
- a central point or locus of an infection in an organism
- a point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges
- a fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section
In the day to day activities of my occupation I’m forced by the nature of my work to be focused. Without focusing on the activities at hand a clients website could be knocked off line or an important marketing campaign could fail. I also need to focus on the details of running the business; not allowing outside influences to be distractions. Video games, reading blogs or going shopping can all be useful for stress relief, but in excess they diminish focus causing deadlines to pass and details to be missed.
Last Saturday I had an experience that brought the concept back into focus for me (yes a play on words). Saturday is my leg day at the gym and it seems I work a bit harder than on most other days in my 4 day split. Perhaps it’s the difference in weight or the particular equipment being used. Either way, I was on the leg press doing the last few sets. As I dropped the plate and brought my knees towards my chest, the bar which holds the weight plates bumped into my drink container; it fell over and starting to spill out across the mats. Without thinking, legs now fully extended, I turned to grab the container as liquid continued to pour out.
This led to the obvious outcome dictated by physics; 200#s came rushing downward striking my right shin. This momentary lack of focus could have led to a severely damaged leg, but providence the lower weights I was using at the time weren’t heavy enough to overpower my left leg. I was able to lift the sled up high enough to lock it in place and get out. As I stood up another Gym Rat came running over to see if I was alright. I told her I was fine and that I’d been distracted by the drink falling over. Her response was something to the effect of “need to stay focused”.
So no matter what part of your life is at the forefront, always stay focused on what you are doing at that particular time, but also stay focused in general. Don’t let distractions get in the way or you could end up with a broken website or even, as in my case, possibly a broken leg.
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